Senior Coordination Officer

Program/department summary:

Mercy Corps has operated in Iraq since 2003, implementing both emergency response and longer-termdevelopment programs that are assisting Iraqis – internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities andother vulnerable groups throughout the country. While remaining responsive to the urgent needs of those affected by conflict and displacement in Iraq, Mercy Corps also incorporates development activities into itsprogramming, with a focus on identified  strategic  priority  areas.  These  include  programs  that  promote inclusivity,  conflict  management  skill building, capacity building of local institutions, transformative youthempowerment.   Mercy Corps is particularly proud of its initiatives to help members at every level of societygain access to information technology; to encourage the integration of persons with disabilities into education, health and decision-making structures; to empower women to be full partners with men in community development; provide youth with development opportunities and invest in innovative means ofconflict resolution and stability.


Mercy Corps is hiring for Senior Coordination Officer to support the Advancing Adolescence program which will work through Community based organizations (CBOs) and schools to meet the needs of conflict-affected youth.  The goal of the program is to reduce the vulnerability of conflict-affected adolescents in Sulaymaniyah through the development of positive social networks, safe spaces and increased community engagement. The following three outcomes aim to support the overarching goal:

1)   Adolescent boys and girls increasingly access protective and social support networks and adolescent-friendly spaces (AFS) that provide safety and emotional stability for those affected byconflict.

2)   Adolescent  boys  and  girls  demonstrate  improved  social-emotional,  life  and  leadership skills  and  are supported to pursue personal development goals.

3)   Adolescent boys and girls are active in their communities and improve relations and reduce tensions across conflict-affected communities.

Over a 12-month period the Advancing Adolescents program will build the capacity of six adolescent friendly spaces involving over 12,000 adolescents through the development of positive social networks, safe spaces and community engagement. 3,000 adolescents will be reached through recreational activities, creative sessions, and drop-in activities. Five-thousand adolescents will receive dedicated psychosocial support through intensive 8-week sessions delivering life skills and resilience courses. 4,000 adolescents will gain access to community resources through field trips and awareness sessions. 210 coaches andyouth leaders will be trained as mentors and facilitators. Over 4,000 parents and caregivers will receive training and tools to address



  1. 1. BA/S in relevant field such as communications, operations or other similar field; MA/MS/MBA or equivalent p
  2. 2. Fluency in English, and Arabic and/or Kurdish (reading, writing, speaking) is required
  3. 3. At least 3 years of experience supporting international development program
  4. 4. At least 3 years of experience supporting program operations and coordination.
  5. 5. Experience working with adolescent youth (ages 10–15 & 15-19) a plu
  6. 6. Experience addressing gender-specific cultural barriers to participation in youth activiti
  7. 7. Experience representing the organization and its interests to a diverse range of local and international government officials, local civil society organizations, other internationalorganizations, the media and the pub
  8. 8. Proficiency with MS Office software required (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  9. 9. Excellent communication and organizational s


Succes factors

  • Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines and work independently and cooperatively with team members is required
  • Strong multi-tasking, organizational, prioritization skills are necessary
  • Good at supporting teams to connect and coordinate across programs, sharing efficiencies and lessons learned.
  • Talent for organizing and cataloguing information essential
  • Positive attitude and ability to work well on a team is essential
  • High level computer and internet skills are required
  • Strong leadership and negotiation skills are required
  • Existing relationships with local government, NGO and community leaders is highly preferred (lettersof recommendation will be a strong asset)
  • Commitment to working with vulnerable groups in need regardless of race, religion or gender
  • Ability to understand the larger picture while remaining focused on the details
  • Ability to work with diverse groups of people
  • Conscientious, with an excellent sense of judgment
  • Understanding of the long-term implications of development work

Organizational Learning:  As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities theyserve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit MercyCorps as well as themselves.

Accountability to Beneficiaries

Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically toour beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, whileactively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation ofour field projects.


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