Protection Officer

Job description

This position will work under the supervision of the Programme Manager to implement the protection programme as per the project log-frame that details the indicators, outcomes and results. The Protection Officer will also oversee protection mainstreaming across all Oxfam programmes including WASH and EFSVL, and have input into future projects with protection recommendations, and safe programming.

Your Role Will Include:

  • Participates in developing and updating the mapping of services for threats and abuses (including GBV) that IDPs and returnees face, in Oxfam areas of operation.
  • Monitors protection issues affecting IDPs and host population in areas of operation.
  • Conducts surveys, focus groups, and awareness raising sessions on protection.
  • Participates in training, capacity-building, and technical support to ensure Oxfam approach to protection is implemented effectively and in line with key standards and principles.
  • Prepares written protection updates for Oxfam situation reports.
  • Prepares monthly and quarterly reports on programme progress on gender and women’s rights activities and assist in the preparation of the annual report.
  • In close consultation with the PM and Programme teams, co-ordinate community consultations and orientation sessions about IDP rights, entitlements, registration, basic and specialist services in the districts.
  • Works with local partners to conduct community based orientation sessions – working with counterpart in partner organisation where possible.
  • Collects information from other INGOs and other humanitarian and development agencies e.g brochures and other information materials, for distribution to affected communities
  • Explores sites and supports negotiations to secure  locations for notice boards to display / announcement  services to IDPs
  • Works closely with the Policy advisor to support protection advocacy researches and surveys.
  • Attends protection and GBV working group meetings on behalf of the Programme Manager.
  • Coordinates activities with WASH and EFSVL teams to ensure integration of protection in programme activities
  • Supports and coordinate with MEAL Officer for baseline survey, post-distribution and other monitoring activities.
  • Submits monthly MEAL reports to track the beneficiary numbers regarding information dissemination and where applicable, referral activities
  • Ensure protection issues are included in MEAL processes and learning is captured
  • Provides written feedback about protection incidents, issues and aid-related community-conflicts

Qualifications & Preferred Skills

  • At least 2 years of protection programming experience in humanitarian or development contexts.
  • Excellent understanding of protection concerns, such as Gender Based Violence issues, child protection, etc.
  • Substantial experience working with displaced persons and protection issues relevant to IDPs and returnees.
  • Proven experience of contributing to assessments and report writing.
  • Good spoken and written English, Arabic and Kurdish.
  • Capacity and willingness to travel to the field including Kirkuk and Tuz area of Salah al-Din with potential expansion to other areas of Salah al-Din in future.
  • Very good interpersonal skills, particularly in networking, working with communities, local civil society and local authorities.
  • Commitment to a rights-based approach, gender equality and protection
  • Ability to work in multi-cultural team.
  • Demonstrated capacity of social and communication skills and ability to work with others and as part of the team.
  • Willingness to work in insecure environments and a high level of adaptability and initiative
  • Knowledge and skills in computer usage
Only candidates can apply for this job.

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