Job description
- Conduct a comprehensive mapping of potential local partners who are already involved in IDP and returnee response, based on the track record of NGOs providing relevant services (health, mental health, psychosocial activities)
- Develop a methodology for the mapping and capacity assessment study (such as desk research, questionnaires, focus groups etc.)
- Develop selection criteria for local partners
- Write an overview report outlining the methodology and results of the mapping
- Shortlist a minimum 3 organizations (within each sector)
- Conduct institutional capacity assessment study for the shortlisted LNGOs, where charts/graphs are included in order to show division of sectors, NGO type, donor diversity, capacity building needs etc. and with recommendations on technical and programmatic topics for capacity building trainings and provide training plan including strategies and approaches to build effective and efficient internal systems and structures (management, reporting, human resources, finance, procurement etc..)
Qualifications & Preferred Skills
- 1,5 month consultancy service is required. Dates of the workshops will be determined by IMC.
- An overview report on the potential LNGOs. The report should involve the methodology and results of the mapping and capacity assessment study of NGOs’ working for IDPs and returnees in Iraq, along with charts and graphs illustrating donor diversity, NGOs types, main activities, sectors, focuses of NGOs etc. as well as capacity assessment with recommendations on technical and programmatic topics for capacity building trainings and training plan.