Logistic Assistant

Job description

The Logistics Assistant (LA) is responsible for supporting the logistics function in a Tearfund operational programme. The LA supports the operational team staff at the programme field office as well as at project sites with the responsibility for supporting in and implementing a coordinated logistics function in support of the programme. Covering supply chain, asset management, transport, communications and office/accommodation infrastructure, the LA ensures policies and procedures are complied with.

  • Work with Project Managers and other project staff to ensure that the logistics needs of projects are identified and met to a high standard.
  • Support to ensure supplies are identified, procured and delivered on time to provide value for money, within Tearfund and donor procedures, and to the right specifications.
  • Ensure the security of all stock and assets held within warehouses including adequate building infrastructure and maintenance, responsible manual handling, safe stacking, accurate and timely documentation, and appropriate trained and resourced staff.
  • Ensure accurate stock keeping in warehouses, including accurate records of goods received notes, stock counting, waybills, etc.
  • Support to ensure assets are tracked and disposed of within Tearfund procedures and according to donor requirements, assigning both assets and other inventory items to individuals.
  • Support to ensure a 24/7 telecommunications coverage with all sites through radio, satellite communications; maintaining the equipment and ensuring all relevant staff are adequately trained in their use for safe and effective communication; providing technical support as required.
  • Support to ensure IT support coverage is provided for all sites within Tearfund policies, and ensure all staff are adequately trained to use the equipment provided.
  • Support in maintenance of the office/accommodation infrastructure and associated utilities, ensuring safe and adequate living and working conditions.
  • Support in maintaining adequate documentation of process and activities through compiling, preparing, producing, scanning and filing operational paperwork, as well as data entry.
  • Support to conduct daily operational requirements including premises checks, generator checks, issuing of phone credit, coordinating vehicle refueling, stationery inventory & purchasing, etc.
  • Coordinate the schedule of drivers and casual drivers to ensure staff are able to carry out their work.
  • Support to carry out any other logistics-related assignments as delegated by the line manager.


Qualifications & Preferred Skills

  • Secondary school completion
  • Understanding of logistics
  • Management of technical equipment including radios, satellite phones, generators, IT
  • Record keeping (filing, organizing, recording data, etc.)
  • Skilled in the use of the Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)
  • Proficient with the use of web browsers for Internet research
  • Spoken and written English language
  • Spoken and written Arabic language
  • Spoken Kurdish language
  • Analytical and problem solving
  • Team player
  • Understanding and sensitivity to cross cultural issues
  • Commitment to accountability to beneficiaries, showing dignity and respect, and demonstrating listening and understanding
  • Flexibility, ability to remain calm under pressure
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