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About Us
Terre des hommes Italia (TDH Italy) was founded in 1989 in Milan (Italy), by a group of prominent entrepreneurs and lawyers sensitive to Human Rights, as a non-profit organisation. TDH Italy is part of the Terre des hommes International Federation, with headquarters in Geneva and Brussels, which is currently run by the Italian Presidency.
Over the years, TDH Italy has grown at the organisational and financial level until the final consolidation on June 2nd, 1994, as a Foundation, allowed to operate as a non-profit non-governmental organisation (ONLUS), according to the current Italian Law (Notary Deed 80516/11907, Court of Milan).
The leading Italian scientist an Nobel laureate Prof. Rita Levi Montalcini is Honorary President of Terre des hommes Italia Foundation.
We carry out humanitarian relief and international development projects in the sectors of education, mother and child health, income-generating activities, water & sanitation, child protection and rehabilitation, to the benefit of thousands of children, their families and communities.
In Italy we are engaged in sensitisation and advocacy campaigns for the promotion of child’s rights, in particular against the plea of human trafficking.
In carrying out its projects Terre des hommes Italy ensures financial rigour and transparency (the yearly balance is certified by a professional auditing firm), it aims at the empowerment of local human and natural resources, it is committed to achieve a long-term sustainability of its projects.
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