Oryx Petroleum


Oryx Petroleum


About Us

What is it that makes Oryx Petroleum different from other ambitious, independent oil and gas exploration and production companies? The secret lies in our rare combination of commercial agility and trusted professionalism. We are quick and responsive in recognising opportunities yet thorough and principled in how we approach them.

Founded in 2010 by AOG, we have inherited a valuable heritage in the oil exploration and production business and benefit from a world-class team. We all share the keen entrepreneurial spirit and operating principles of our founder, Jean Claude Gandur.

Geographically, we have focused on Africa and the Middle East where we have strong relationships and an excellent reputation. We have acquired interests in seven license areas since our founding and have an ambitious exploration and appraisal programme and growth strategy.

We are continually inspired by new emerging opportunities and are highly motivated to work together to realise their future potential.


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