IV Flat s.r.o.


IV Flat s.r.o.


About Us

We are I&V FLAT S.R.O., Prague, Czech Republic based company that specializes in providing workforce for our longterm partners.
Our company has 16 years tradition on Czech market with some of the best results for our clients.
Currently we are recruiting reliable and hard-working personel for our warehouse client HOPI s.r.o.
We are looking for hard-working, reliable people with strong work morale.

Job description:
The job itself is very simple. People usually unbox various goods, such as Gillete, Ariel, Jar, Always, etc. and put stickers and labels on the products, after which they put it back in the box and seal it off.
For more skillful workers we have position that requires operating a forklift, delivering and loading the products in to the trucks.

Salary description: 
Salary is as per usual in Europe, perfomance based. The basic salary you will earn first months (more if you do better of course) is 90CZK / hour. But after some period of time we expect our employees to get better and handier. Usually our best employees earn 130 – 150 CZK / hour, which can easily result of total salary around $1500-$2000 a month and more.

Visas and conditions description:
For people who are in need of assistance obtaining visa we are ready to help. Our company provides with full package of documents that you will need when applying for visa. The documents package consists of: Green card of employment, residence permit, work contract, health and social insurance etc.
IMPORTANT! : Please note, after I&V Flat company discovered circumstances in third countries, we decided to set final price of this service which is depend on applicant queries. We have 100% sure shot visa as we have well experienced and decent staff. As per so many calls we have received in such very short time from India and Nepal, so we are considering to open new office in India where applicants choose their packages with provide Airport Pickup and Accommodation at near the center of Prague with free wifi and transport TO and FROM work.
Fore more info please contact me via Whatsapp In Czech Republic +420 777 156 672, and In India +919045102845.


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