ACF (Action Contre La Faim)


ACF (Action Contre La Faim)


About Us

Action against Hunger was founded in 1979 by a group of French intellectuals in response to the emergency in Afghanistan. These included Françoise Giroud, Bernard Henri Lévy, Marek Halter, Alfred Kastler (a Nobel Laureate in physics), Guy Sorman, Jacques Attali, and several other doctors, journalists and writers. While the fight against hunger had previously been an element of more general humanitarian action (the fight against poverty, promoting better health, etc.) they founded an organisation that was exclusively dedicated to ending  hunger. Action against Hunger is now recognised as one of the leading organisations in the fight against hunger worldwide.
  • 1979 
    Creation of Action Against Hunger. The organisation forms part of a new generation of independent NGos (non-governmental organisations) that reject silence surrounding injustice and seek to bear witness and report on atrocities, while taking action to end them.
  • 1995 
    Action Against Hunger has developed within the framework of an interdependent international network (ACF-IN) and has opened two additional headquarters in Madrid and London to better respond to the needs of populations.
  • 1997 
    The network expanded with the opening of a fourth headquarters in New York.
  • 2005
    Opening of a fifth headquarters in Montreal.

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